360 Smart Home is awarded as Best Sustainable Smart Home Building Company 2023 Singapore Business Awards 2023, hosted by APAC Insider
 360 Smart Home is selected as  The Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Startups in Singapore 2021 by Swift and Lift
The founder of 360 Smart Home emerges as  The 10 Most Dynamic Business Leaders in 2021 in Prime View listing
 360 Smart Home is shortlisted as Emerging Top 500 Global Startups (Slingshot 2020) by Enterprise Singapore & Agorize

Our main Business Associate Company, Kuaizhu Intelligent Technology, is the award-winning Top Potential Unicorn Enterprises 2020 in SISPARK


Meet the team

Your goals are our goals. It's as simple as that. We work to ensure that every project, no matter how big or small, gets the resources it needs to succeed. 


This is us


The values we believe in


We deliver what we promise and go the extra mile. Often, we demand more of ourselves than our clients do.


We  engage contributors in the
work of innovation with  comprehensive understanding of the forces driving its
operating environment


The work of innovation we create for a sustainable future is consistent and well-paced with investment of resources.


Our Innovation is an intrinsically social and collaborative process which everyone has a role to play by enabling open and distributed participation on a global scale.


The possibilities we deliver are the
precious fruits of the human imagination. Our Innovation fully embraces the discovery of what is possible for the world
and community even if it involves
risk and failure.


Our creativity is what fuels our big ideas, challenges the conventional way of thinking, and opens the door to new business opportunities.
Learn more

Every project has its own personality. We approach each challenge with fresh energy and inspiration, so you get the best results. 

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